Nantiquities act of 1906 pdf files

Jun 12, 2017 its time to revisit antiquities act of 1906 june 12, 2017 david f. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the united states of america in congress assembled, that any person who shall appropriate, excavate, injure, or destroy any historic or prehistoric ruin or monument, or any object of antiquity, situated on lands owned or controlled by the government of the united states, without the permission of the secretary of the department of the. Its time to revisit antiquities act of 1906 arizona daily. General antiquities act united states department of justice. The antiquities act of 1906, officially an act for the preservation of american antiquities, was passed by the u. Learn the antiquities act of 1906 with free interactive flashcards. Laceys report to congress led to the the antiquities act of 1906, which was signed into law by president theodore roosevelt on june 8, 1906. The antiquities act of 1906 and the controversy about it. The text of this article was originally published in the theodore roosevelt association journal, volume xxxii, number 3, summer 2011, pages 2438, and is reprinted here using a selection of the original illustrations with permission. The antiquities act and how theodore roosevelt shaped it francis p.

Antiquities act of 1906 constitutional law reporter. An act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of. Opinion the endangered antiquities act the new york times. Also known as the national monument act preservation of antiquities june 8, 1906, ch. Congress and signed by president theodore roosevelt on june 8, 1906. Be it enacted by the senate and i ouse of representatives of the united public, no. The lacey act also known as the antiquities act of 1906 was a decade in the making. The act has mostly been used since then by presidents to turn public land into national monuments. Washington county historical society washington county, utah. The monumental legacy of the antiquities act of 1906. Pdf the monumental legacy of the antiquities act of 1906.

As president in june 1906, he signed the act, making it united states law. The naturalization act of 1906 was an act of the united states congress signed into law by. Antiquities act of 1906 national border, national park. The antiquities act of 1906 authorizes the president of the united states to declare by public proclamation, historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic. A recent executive order by president donald trump has directed ryan zinke, the secretary of the interior, to reassess the status of 27 national monuments, either so designated or expanded since january 1, 1996. The antiquities act of 1906 legislative and congressional. As a leader of the progressive political movement, roosevelt encouraged the development of conservation and preservation legislation like the antiquities act. The act, drafted by an archaeologist, gave the president the power to set aside objects and structures of historic and scientific interest as national monuments. To get this article online refer to menchaca, martha. Choose from 28 different sets of the antiquities act of 1906 flashcards on quizlet.

The antiquities act of 1906 is a short and simple law of three sections drafted by archeologist edgar hewitt to protect objects of antiquity on public land. Introduction on september 18, 1996, president bill clinton stood on the south rim of the grand canyon and announced the creation of the 1. Presidential authority to revoke or reduce national monument. Mar 31, 2017 the heart of the antiquities act of 1906 is a mere two sentences. This law gives the president of the united states the authority to, by presidential proclamation, create national monuments from federal lands to protect significant natural, cultural, or. Theodore roosevelt and the antiquities act of 1906. The antiquities act gives the president the power to grant national monument status to areas of our federal public lands and. Used to safeguard and preserve federal lands and cultural and historical sites for all americans to enjoy, 16 presidents have designated 157 national monuments under this authority. The antiquities act is a powerful and useful piece of legislation. Pdf pdf provides a complete and accurate display of this text. Apr 26, 2017 the law was enacted in 1906 to prevent looting of indian artifacts from archaeological sites. A comprehensive listing of all national monuments established by the presidents of the united states since the passage of the antiquities act of 1906.

The monumental legacy of the antiquities act of 1906 by mark. The antiquities act and how theodore roosevelt shaped it. Lacey of iowa introduced the antiquities act after traveling to several sites in the southwestern united states that had been ravaged by pot hunters. Jan, 2017 the antiquities act of 1906 is one of our nations most important conservation tools. This description of the act, as amended, tracks the language of the united states code except that following common usage we refer to the act meaning the act, as amended rather than to the subchapter or the title of the code. Monuments protected under the antiquities act national. But a good argument can be made that this brief law which authorizes the president to protect objects of historic or. Posted on december 18, 2017 by ajswc6 a friend recently posted a video of glenn beck reacting to patagonias campaign against president trumps reduction of the bears ears and grand staircaseescalante national monuments. Mar 25, 2015 president barack obama recently designated three national monuments in colorado, hawaii, and illinois. The antiquities act since its passage by congress in 1906, the antiquities act has been a critically important tool for the preservation of our public landslands that belong to all americans.

His personal testimony was bolstered by a report by anthropologist edgar lee hewett that detailed the cultural and scientific value of the sites. Pursuant to this power, a president has the corresponding power to revoke prior national monument designations. Through a long process before the act was passed by congress and signed by president theodore roosevelt on june 8, the act became much more important as a measure, and to some in. Jul 22, 2017 the antiquities act of 1906 grants the president the power to designate national monuments in order to protect historic landmarks and structures. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the united states of america in congress assembled, that any person who shall appropriate, excavate, injure, or destroy any historic or prehistoric ruin or monument, or any object of antiquity, situated on lands owned or controlled by the. The antiquities act of 1906 defined the study of archaeology as a scientific endeavor and resulted in the protection of 167 million acres of cultural and natural environments. National monuments act 1906 american antiquities law for. Unless changed or withdrawn by congress, this act will continue to serve as an important tool to save americas wild places. Laceys report to congress became the basis for the antiquities act, which was signed into law by president theodore roosevelt on june 8, 1906. Code usc 3203020303, the president of the united states is authorized to declare historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest, that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled by the federal government, to be. John muir and the 1906 antiquities act sierra club. An act to establish a bureau of immigration and naturalization, and. Litigation and legislation related to the law have been pursued throughout its history. This act may be cited as the americas natural treasures of immeasurable quality unite, inspire, and together improve the economies of states act or the antiquities act.

The antiquities act of 1906 allows certain federally owned lands to be designated and protected as national monuments. It was the first legislation designed to protect and preserve historic landmarks, cultural sites, and objects of scientific interest within the united states. Theodore roosevelt, of course, was instrumental in enacting this statute. National monuments and the antiquities act congressional research service 1 introduction presidential establishment of national monuments under the antiquities act of 1906 16 u. The antiquities act centennial archaeology magazine archive.

The act was developed in response to concerns for the preservation of americas archaeological sites and the artifacts and information they contained. Obamas national monuments are about more than conservation. The antiquities act of 1906 authorizes the president to declare, by. What is the antiquities act and why does president trump want. On june 8, 1906, president theodore roosevelt signed the bill, which set aside historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest in order to stop their destruction. May 12, 2015 in 1906, congress passed the general antiquities act. Kris hirst our feature story looks into the origins of the antiquities act, placing it within the historical context of social movements in turn of thecentury. The antiquities act of 1906 authorizes the president of the united states to declare by public proclamation, historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated upon federal lands. An act for the preservation of american antiquities. The monumental legacy of the antiquities act of 1906 mark squillace i. Born of concerns about the looting of archaeological sites and of the american progressive movements belief in the betterment of society through active governmental involvement, the antiquities act of 1906 defined the study of archaeology as a scientific endeavor and resulted in the protection of 167 million acres of cultural and natural environments. This text is from the fourth edition of federal historic preservation.

The antiquities act of 1906 is an act that was passed by the united states congress and signed. Ninety years of the antiquities act brief timeline showing use of the antiquities act. This centralization also included the dispersal of standard naturalization documents following the laws enactment. Jun 26, 2016 washington using his authority under the 1906 antiquities act more frequently than any president in history, president obama has set aside more than 3. This is a section of a compilation of short reports, anthropolocic miscellanea, included in this issue of american anthropologist. Aug 01, 2017 the text, spirit, and 111year history of the antiquities act of 1906 militate against presidential power to revoke a national monument proclamation made by a predecessor president.

Preservation of american antiquities progress during 1906. Hewetts portion of the miscellanea describes recent activities concerning the preservation of american antiquities. One of the important events during his presidency was the national monuments act also known as the antiquities act. Many scholars, however, have taken a different view. May 23, 2008 since 1906, presidents, both democratic and republican, have used the authority of the antiquities act to proclaim 125 national monuments covering nearly 100 million acres of federal public lands.

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